• icondrdny.jlp@gmail.com

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Principal's Desk

Smt. Toolika Yadav

From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents/Student,
It is the role of a school to build and strengthen character that will be able to withstand the extreme challenges ahead. Janta Inter Colllege promises a very enchanting environmental envelope for children to learn ,grow and spread their wings. We not only serves a particular place, but we can proudly say we serve educational excellence to an entire region. When we talk about curriculum we mean planning involving implementation of different types of instructional strategies. The web of our curriculum is unique. We advocate activity based learning thus blending cognitive ,effective and psychomotor domains of the process. Children are valued for their skills and the atmosphere in the school. We are striving hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combining with academics and extra-curricular activities in the children. While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is also devoted to prepare the students for the life, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow and encourage them to be socially relevant. I am confident enough that the BPUMV. will make themselves stronger day by day , adding a new leaf to the grandeur of the school.


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